- To provide a residential setting for recovering chemically dependent men.
- To provide a quality counseling program within a total therapeutic environment including individual, group and family counseling.
- To develop client’s personal, social and vocational skills needed to lead a productive and fulfilled life.
- To assist in developing client’s spiritual experiences by means of church attendance and various spiritual support group attendance.
- To provide the opportunity to raise the functional literacy level of clients.
- To provide rehabilitation for chemically dependent men who have been involved in child abuse/neglect and adult children of alcoholics with the aim of restoring families whenever possible.
- To encourage clients continued participation in an Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, other support group and/or aftercare and/or continued psychological counseling.
- To provide aftercare for persons who have successfully completed the residential recovery program.
- To provide awareness and education of STDs, AIDS and the HIV virus.
- To improve the parenting skills of those who participate in our program.